The battle of Urquinaona. 1312 - October 18, 2019 All the profits from this shirt go to the resistance boxes of the detainees that have been after the sentence against the political prisoners. Solidarity is our best...
Polo negre brodat amb el logo de Partisano a l'alçada del cor. Té franges blanques i roges al coll.
Black T-shirt with a design by Roc BlackBlock. Image of a YPG militia woman in Kurdistan and the text "Kurdistan, the feminist revolt". Printed with three-color silkscreen printing.  
Solidaritat internacional antifeixista! NO PASSARAN   T-shirt in homage to the international brigades for deeply love freedom. 100% cotton T-shirt
Samarreta gris fosc, amb el mico al davant i el text "res del que passa és comparable a tu" al darrera.


