Paravents amb caputxa, de camuflatge verd i amb un petit logo de Partisano brodat a l'alçada del cor, amb dues butxaques als costats i una de grossa central tipus cangur.
  Tenen una capa impermeable i paravent a...
Feminisme és la idea radical que les dones som persones. Angela Davis In Girona there was a mural that was vandalized and we wanted to pay a small tribute to him. 100% cotton T-shirt
Partisano True Soul of the Streets! Anti racist! A design that has been with us since the beginning of the millennium. 100% cotton T-shirt
Bon colp de falç, defensors de la terra! Another classic designed by por David Segarra. 100% cotton T-shirt
Now and always against fascism! Black t-shirt printed with black ink, discreet but forceful! Also available in gray, more forceful! 100% cotton T-shirt
We are not fed crumbs! We want the whole bread! From the great Ovidi! 100% cotton T-shirt
Jaqueta impermeable i forro polar interior. Butxaca gran davant i 2 butxaques laterals. Mitja cremallera i brodat al pit.
Jaqueta impermeable i forro polar interior. Butxaca gran davant i 2 butxaques laterals. Mitja cremallera i brodat al pit.


